7 Downsides of Entrepreneurship Nobody Wants to Talk About


 7 Downsides of Entrepreneurship Nobody Wants to Talk About.

Here is some anti-motivation.

So here is the sad side of entrepreneurship.

1. It Can Be Lonely 😥😥

When your friends want to go out partying, you can only think about the unpaid invoice, pending bills, the pending proposal, the person you hired who performed well in the interview but now

seems to need constant supervision and motivation, the client you risk loosing 

because you didn't finish work..etc...

Some challenges are private and you can't even share them with anyone.

 The damn paperwork..arrrgh....

2. It Gets Hard 🥺🥺

I am not really sure which part is the hardest. The loneliness or the sheer volume of work

that needs to get done for things to move smoothly. It can be overwhelming and hard especially

before you fully develop your skills and business systems. Sometimes the hard part is making yourself do things

you generally don't like doing. It becomes a tough battle of internal self-discipline.

3. It Can Get Boring 😒😒

Boredom is the worst for me. Many times, as entrepreneurs, we enjoy doing new things.

There is a rush to the chase. However, a time comes when you realize this behavior

is diluting your energy, attention and spreading you and your resources thing.

So you decide to be more focused. When you do, boredom is one of the battles you will find yourself 

fighting. The urge to do something new will always be there. It takes discipline to say no to distractions.

4. You Will Be Misunderstood 😐😐

Many people who come to stay with me for a short time don't understand why I get up so early and stay

up so late..."you never stop working". Few people understand this...you need to be ok with being different.

How many times can you explain yourself?


5. Lack of Support😔😔

You won't always get the support you need.

Sometimes its financial support, moral support or even mentorship...it won't always come...its part of the game.

Understand that every person has their own world view, their own plans, doubts, fears and programs.

Even if they care about you, they won't always spare you the attention or resources you wished they could give

you. A certain level of self-reliance is key.

6. Facing Failure is Inevitable 🥺🥺

You will fail. Ain't no way to sugarcoat that. Many of the things you will try will fail.

It goes with the territory.

You may have seen even the best of the best failing. Some, like Oprah even say 'I succeed more than you 

because I have failed more than you." If you get discouraged by minor setbacks, you won't last in this

battlefield called entrepreneurship.

7. You Will Be Rejected.😥😥

Facing rejection is part of the game.

Do you know what rejection is? Its a sucky situation where someone says no when you were

hoping for, praying for a yes. It hurts, ain't nothing pretty about it. But it goes with the territory.

So what are you going to do about it? 


Have I depressed you enough? Good, I can't be suffering alone with these things...


But if you do stay, stick around, and overcome, I promise your future self will be proud of you.

You will develop mental focus, discipline and resilience that most people can only imagine.


You will one day look back and say, I am glad I went through that, it has shaped and sharpend me.

No pressure. No diamond.


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